Tuesday, June 2, 2009

I think I found what I'm looking for. YAY! Peru is sneaking up on me. I depart on Monday. CRAZY!!!!!!! Life is good, life is good!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Wow, it's all over. Graduation has come and gone, boards are over. Now all I do is wait, and wait, and pray, and pray some more that I passed the last and final board exam.

In the mean time, I've been getting ready to go to Peru. I got the Typhoid vaccine today and will be going in for Yellow Fever in a few weeks. I sat in the office at the health department wondering why they can't administer vaccines via intraoral injections. They are so much more tolerable than those awful intramuscular ones. The things we do so we can go play in the jungle with monkeys and mosquitoes.

My dry spell in dating is starting to perk up. I have a date Saturday and I have had two dear friends in the last week tell me they have found my husband. Such a nice gesture but they don't know who they are messing with. The one doesn't speak Spanish so he is automatically disqualified but I may go out with him anyway just to humor him. The other speaks Spanish but I am an old lady to him. I'm not holding my breath for that one. My date on Saturday speaks Spanish and is a year or so older than me... I'm running away to Peru though, and leaving all the boyz behind. I don't know if I will survive the 2 month and 4 day stretch without some testosterone action. It's already been two months. I'm dying over here. I am relying on the pickins being better in Portland than they have been here as of late.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

What a beautiful day!

I really quite like the nice warm sunshine. This false sense of spring makes me excited to spend my time outside only to be disappointed with a snow storm days later. After an hour of running and another hour of speed walking around my neighborhood last night I decided I could give it a rest until after clinic today. I love being outside and I look forward to spring and summer to go camping, hiking, running, biking, skiing, swimming, and to watch the stars on warm summer nights.

I am eagerly awaiting my departure to Peru for the summer but I can't help but feel a little bummed out. I feel like I'm free now that I will be graduated and not dating some retard who doesn't want to go boating every weekend with my family and I. I won't be going this year either though because I'll be in Peru. Part of me wants to stay here, not work, and just play while I have the time to do so. Peru will be a good experience though and I am excited to speak only Spanish. Truth be told, Spanish is the love of my life.

The other love of my life is still yet to be found although I have had many offers in the last week to fill that position. An interesting thing I have learned about the dating game is that more often than not we are all on different pages. I don't find much interest in the guys that find interest in me and the select few, and by few I mean one, that catches my attention lives in Logan. Thus, I am still on the look-out for someone worth my time. Perhaps Portland holds great possibilities for me.

This morning I saw a class V patient with heavy bleeding, slight plaque and minimal calculus. I am getting better at arestin placement though I think the ease of applying it lies in the depth of the pocket rather than on my abilities. I am hoping for a perio patient this afternoon. I'm getting hungry for my regular grilled cheese sandwich. Last time I was here I made the mistake of ordering something else. The baked potato was a disappointment.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Thursday, March 26, 2009


Let me just take a few moments to vent. I called my AM patient on Tuesday to confim Thursday's appointment, at 8:00. My patient said she would be here. A few hours later she called but I missed it so I called her yesterday to see why she called. She denied calling me but I again confirmed this appointment at 8:00 AM. She said she'd be here. So... 8:00 AM rolled in this morning and no patient, 8:05-no patient, 8:10- no patient, 8:15-no patient. So I decided to call her. She's at home. Yeah. Just chillin at home. I told her she has an appointment RIGHT NOW and she seemed unconcerned that she is late but said that she would leave in 5 minutes. GRRR!!! This is my class IV. I have to have this patient come. I have 3 quads to complete and with her lateness I hope I will still get it finished. Scratch that, I don't care if I go into my lunch, I am going to finish her and she can just lie in my chair with her mouth open for 3 hours because chances of getting her back in are slim to none. Not to mention I just want to be done with her. I am so frustrated!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Production Day

AM class III 2 quads. I love it when my patients don't speak English!!!

PM: class 1B, class II OD

I was not as productive as I had hoped to be. After doing the job shadow I am really ready to be out in the real world doing my own thing. (Especially after getting a job offer.) I have a hunch that I can do in 45 minutes to an hour what I accomplish in clinic in 2. It amazes me how it takes 2 hours to do an OD sometimes at WSU but at the VA it gets done in 5-10 minutes. It'll be nice to just be left alone. I do appreciate Professor Perry's instruction though. I like how thorough he is and how he sits down with me and really makes sure I understand what the heck is going on. I don't like the radiology situation though. Its a pain in the butt to wait and wait and have it down the hall and around the corner.

Still lookin for a man I can commit to.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Yesterday was a good day in clinic although I was kind of put out I didn't have a Spanish-speaking patient. In the AM I had a class II and put in my first perio chip and in the PM I finished my class V exams.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

VA: better this time. My patients actually have teeth this week. 8 quads 1B, 4 quads II

Thursday, February 26, 2009

III exam 2 quads AM


Tuesday, February 17, 2009


What a snowy day! I thought I would die on my way to the VA when I turned onto highway 89. I am glad to report that I arrived safe and in one piece. I was hoping for some good SRP this morning but it turned out to be 1 quad of a II. Meh... At least I got some anesthetic done and another pano and set of BWX.

I find the demographics at the VA to be interesting. People come in here from all walks of life. I have learned over the years that everyone has been delt a difficult deck of cards custom made for them. If you talk with someone long enough they may open up a little about their own personal refiner's fire and suddenly you may realize that life could be so much worse. We are all too aware of our faults, and the things that make life hard for us. What we really need is someone to love us, people to build us up, to give us hope. I think many of the world's problems could be solved if we (myself included) took a step back, stopped thinking so much on ourselves, our problems, the things we are dealing with, let go of selfish desires and then live to lift another, to lighten another's load.

Case in point: this morning a semi truck driver fell asleep and crashed into the median on the freeway destroying the truck, losing some 42,ooo lbs of beef on the road, causing I-15 to shut down for hours during rush hour traffic thus putting many many people off schedule. The driver is fine but he (assuming it's a he) has to deal with his boss, the police, and a fine among other things. I am sure he will get yelled at and reamed for his actions and while he did cause a lot of damage I thought of being in his shoes right now. I would be traumatized from the accident, probably shaky. He will more than likely lose his job and have to find alternate work. In this economy that is not going to be easy. How will he pay the fines for the damage done without a job? The last thing he needs is for someone to tell him what he did wrong and be gruff with him about the situation. I feel bad for him.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

I can't say that I have much to write today. I had a class III this morning. I was only able to get 1 quad done because she had to leave and go to work. My idiot pm patient decided to no show after they told me two hours prior they'd be here. My class III is coming back in a few minutes. I better finish. It would have been nice to know the other one wasn't coming. I could have had another hour of scaletime for my class III but such is life.

I have a new nick name... Shamu. We have a lot of things in common.

The birth control for men thing has had to take a back seat while I study for boards. I don't think its going to fly in this world.

I have come to the conclusion that I am sick of winter. I am sick of being cold. Unfortunately, it will be cold for another 2.5 months. Lovely.

Professor Perry helped me this morning. I appreciated his help and words of advice. He's very efficient too when it comes to getting PE's done and such.

I miss having my VA day on Wednesdays. Tuesdays are alright but I was in my comfort zone on Wednesdays.

Boards...boards...boards.... I am ready for them to be over. I can't imagine trying to study for nationals and anesthesia at the same time. I am so glad that changed.

I have nothing wise, witty, or worth reading to write so I suppose unless some great thing happens or comes to mind, this will conclude my blogging experience for the day.


Mockboards last week went well. I about had a melt down when I thought my patient had a "fuego" or coldsore. It turned out to be just chapped lips so that was awesome. I nearly burst into tears again after I finished scaling because I was sure I failed and that would be discouraging seeing how my mockboard patient is also my board patient. I ended up passing mockboards and that was a relief. I am much more confident now. I did 29% better than the last mockboard.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Clearly Life is Not Fair

I have been giving serious thought to switching my focus in health care from scrapping crap off teeth to inventing. My first task: Birth Control for Men. Women have enough short sticks in regards to the reproductive aspect of life. I think it is only fair that if women have to have cramps, menstruate, have mood swings, be pregnant, get fat while being pregnant, have difficulty losing pregnancy weight gain, give birth, feel like crap after giving birth, and go through the whole process again the least men could do is take birth control so women don't have the added stress of birth control side effects. For those of us to whom it is recommended for medical purposes, surely there is a better way but because our world is so caught up in birth control for women they have yet to branch out and find alternative methods to treat female dysfunctions. I could be wrong, perhaps there are alternative options but because we have this "pill for every ill" syndrome, health care professionals jump first to pills to solve everything. Take the doctor on campus for example. I have my opinions on him.

As for the clinic aspect of my writing this glorious day... 1B in the morning. 1B in the afternoon.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Commitment, commitment, commitment

There are many things to which one will commit themself in the course of one's life. One of which is a dental appointment for a desperate dental hygiene student striving to get by to meet the requirements in order to graduate and thus enhance life. Idiots who do not show for their appointments nor call to break them fail to realize our grade depends on their sense of responsibility. Obviously life is not fair. If life were fair, men would have cramps and women would look sexy even when they don't do their hair.

Luckily, my morning patient understands this commitment concept. I was able to clean my first class IV of the semester. O what a joy that was. I am clueless as to why someone would voluntarily employ themselves in a perio office. In the afternoon I was fortunate enough to have a 1B patient plop herself in my chair. She seemed somewhat familiar to me. As I ponder on this experience I think that maybe we have been in school together for the last year and a half. That has to be it. I was thoroughly disgusted in her personal hygiene, especially in the dental department.

Other types of commitment one may find themself entering into include marriage. Commitment at this level nearly reaches that of the before mentioned commitment. This is a commitment of grave consequence as the result of this decision will either be an exultant extacy or complete destruction of life. This causes my little mind, naieve as it may be, to ponder on my actions with humans of the oppostie sex. For instance: for some men, I may talk to them, sit next to them in church, and then go on my merry way; for a young hormonal fella this is somehow clearly a marriage proposal . He will subsequently confess his undying love to me and expect that I feel the same. I have yet to understand how this works. I myself am not without hormones but I do not take superficial conversation as a sign from the heavens that something is meant to be.

Commtiment not quite on the level of a dental hygiene appointment or marriage includes that of waiting for a soldier while he serves in Iraq for 18 months. I have been pondering on this. I must admit, I sometimes get bitter when I think of how life plays out sometimes. People always say that marriage is worth all the crap of dating. Marriage is going to be freaking awesome if those people are right, however, for some, marriage turns out to be worth nothing at all and they would have been better off if they never married. Hmm.... I am beginning to think that a life in the single phase is quite possibly better than one married. Obviously marriage to an idiot would be many times worse than the blissful single life where one is free to date several suckers for romance, kiss them all, and expand horizons. I would like to belive that my judgement is better than to fall for an idiot though.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Que Bueno!

Anoche eran las ocho, mi paciente para la tarde me llamó y ella dijo que ella no pudiera venir hoy. Que bueno! Y también, mi paciente para este mañana nunca vinó. Estaba frustrado pero Señor Solomon me encontró un paciente en lugar de la una que tuve. Este paciente será mi paciente para los examanes finales!!!!! Era una bendición de los Cielos! Hoy, tomé veinte radiógrafos. Era frustrado, pero está terminado, finalmente!

Ahora, necesito estudiar para el examen final en Marzo. Siento como no sé nada! No hay mucho tiempo antes del examen. Debo usar el tiempo sabiamente.

Era un día también porque hablé español con mi paciente. Me encanta la idioma. No puedo esperar por Septiembre. Iré a Perú, y hará tres o cuatro meses que viviré allí!!!!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

I Still Haven't Found What I'm Lookin For

La De Da... I'm about ready to get paid what I'm worth, none of this working for free garbage.

I just swished with listerine... my mouth tingles. I like that feeling. It amazes me how many kids don't know what the word 'swish' means. I work in a pedo office and lots of them just look at me like I'm an idiot when I tell them to swish.

I've discovered a new song I like.... its a country tune called What It Takes its a good one. I was listening to my Runaway Bride soundtrack while I was gettin all perdy for clinic today. I decided the U2 song is my song of the week. "But I still haven't found what I'm lookin for" That movie explains my life in so many ways. Settlin by Sugarland is still my theme song.

Oh, perhaps I should mention something about clinic since this is my clinic blog.... This mornin I ended up with a class II. That was refreshing. This afternoon I'm thinkin a 1B. I'm on the lookout for mockboard patients.

Ok, now for the meat and potatoes of my blog: the man situation. Not much has changed since the last post except I'm starting to doubt more and more what the crap I'm doing dating an army man who is leaving for 18 months. I suppose it's possible to make things work...Emily Welch did it and she married her soldier, but she knew hers for quite a bit longer than I've known Josh. Is it worth it? Lets take a poll....

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Back at it again

Well, the time has come... school is back in session and we're back at it scraping crap off teeth; to be dentally correct... scaling calculus from the dentition.

The break went by quickly. I was ready to just start back up again the Monday after the semester ended but as Spring semester neared, I decided it would be easier to be in school indefinitely than take boards. Needless to say I feel overwhelmed as I am sure the rest of the class does.

The VA is the same old same old, well for the most part. Our treatment codes sheet has changed... it's now pink. I don't know if I can adjust to the change. It's going to be hard to get used to. Along with the snow and freezing cold temperatures, the morning welcomed me with a lovely 1B patient, a nice easy one after a short break. I may have a SRP patient any minute now. It would be nice for classifications but honestly I'm not in the mood for that.

My efforts in finding a mate have not ceased. Over the break I dated 8 different guys but have recently narrowed it down to one. I don't know how lasting this will be. He is a 22 year old soldier getting ready to be deployed again come February. He will be gone for 18 months. My heart is torn between allowing myself to love and just having a good time until he goes with no promise of a future. He'd like me to wait for him. I'll have to see, perhaps Antonio Banderas will come knockin on my door while Josh is gone. I was taken by surprise when I met him. We conversed via text messages for a good week before we met in person. I really had no intentions of dating him but thought I would humor him by going out with him, once. I took one look at him and I was smitten. It was one of the best dates I have been on. I think he felt the same. We have not been able to be apart since we met. It never ceases to amaze me how quickly a relationship can develop and flourish. He leaves February 25 but will be back in March for a week or two. If he had it his way we'd marry when he comes back in March. I asked what the point of that would be and he said that way I am for sure his when he returns. It's not going to happen, poor kid.