Thursday, January 29, 2009

Commitment, commitment, commitment

There are many things to which one will commit themself in the course of one's life. One of which is a dental appointment for a desperate dental hygiene student striving to get by to meet the requirements in order to graduate and thus enhance life. Idiots who do not show for their appointments nor call to break them fail to realize our grade depends on their sense of responsibility. Obviously life is not fair. If life were fair, men would have cramps and women would look sexy even when they don't do their hair.

Luckily, my morning patient understands this commitment concept. I was able to clean my first class IV of the semester. O what a joy that was. I am clueless as to why someone would voluntarily employ themselves in a perio office. In the afternoon I was fortunate enough to have a 1B patient plop herself in my chair. She seemed somewhat familiar to me. As I ponder on this experience I think that maybe we have been in school together for the last year and a half. That has to be it. I was thoroughly disgusted in her personal hygiene, especially in the dental department.

Other types of commitment one may find themself entering into include marriage. Commitment at this level nearly reaches that of the before mentioned commitment. This is a commitment of grave consequence as the result of this decision will either be an exultant extacy or complete destruction of life. This causes my little mind, naieve as it may be, to ponder on my actions with humans of the oppostie sex. For instance: for some men, I may talk to them, sit next to them in church, and then go on my merry way; for a young hormonal fella this is somehow clearly a marriage proposal . He will subsequently confess his undying love to me and expect that I feel the same. I have yet to understand how this works. I myself am not without hormones but I do not take superficial conversation as a sign from the heavens that something is meant to be.

Commtiment not quite on the level of a dental hygiene appointment or marriage includes that of waiting for a soldier while he serves in Iraq for 18 months. I have been pondering on this. I must admit, I sometimes get bitter when I think of how life plays out sometimes. People always say that marriage is worth all the crap of dating. Marriage is going to be freaking awesome if those people are right, however, for some, marriage turns out to be worth nothing at all and they would have been better off if they never married. Hmm.... I am beginning to think that a life in the single phase is quite possibly better than one married. Obviously marriage to an idiot would be many times worse than the blissful single life where one is free to date several suckers for romance, kiss them all, and expand horizons. I would like to belive that my judgement is better than to fall for an idiot though.


Jake and Kristin said...

I loved this post! I think your thoughts on commitment explain how all of us feel!
About the boy thing...hang in there...things will work out how they are supposed to!:)

Megan said...

I totally loved this post! Eveything you wrote about commitment is so true. I agree, pts who commit to appointments and then no show are lame. Well have a good day!