Wednesday, September 26, 2007

More Exploring

We did more indepth use of the explorer. This was somewhat nerve racking because I was afraid to hurt my pod partner. I have a hard time with fulcruming and also adaptation. This one will take a lot of practice. I really like that we get one on one instruction. That helps a lot.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Exploring The Mouth

Clinic was fun! We actually got to work on each other practicing adaptation, angulation, and activation with the explorer. I got poked a few times and made my pod partner bleed. This will take some practice but its neat that we are learning something different. It's hard to decide which end of the explorer to use.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

intra oral exam

We learned how to perform the intra-oral exam. There is alot more anatomy in the mouth than I ever realized. There is a lot to learn and remember but its not as hard as I thought it would be. We also passed off the vitals and extra-oral exam PE's. I like how clinic and hygiene class go together.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Extra oral cancer screening

In clinic we learned how to perform an extra-oral cancer screening. It feels like a nice massage. My jaw got tired after doing it twice though. We aslo learned about using the mirror and the fulcrum technique. Indirect vision is a little confusing. It's nice to be working on each other now.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


Today we learned how to take vitals. It's kind of hard to hear the heart beat especially because every sound is exaggerated while wearing the stethoscope including the radio and other people around. It is cool to hear what it sounds like though. We also passed off the positioning PE which I finally figured out how to do. Joni is a good teacher as well.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Health History

Clinic today was a more in depth look at health histories, we got to look at a few case studies, learn how to fill out the HHx part of the Tx sheet based off the information on the health history. We had our pod partner sit in our chair and we got to go over the patient history as though they are our patient. I think it is kinda silly that we have to set up our op when our partner sits in the chair and we don't do anything but ask questions but I understand that we need to be in the habit and practice of setting up our operatories. Kim is a good instructor, very thorough and easy to understand.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Charts charts charts!!!

Clinic today was fun. We learned the Eaglesoft scheduling, treatment planning and walkout statements, how to make patient charts, brief overview of medical history and charting, learned sterilization area and overview of CA responsibilities. I really like instructor Vining and Gina, the TA. Gina and Instructor Costley helped me understand the clock positions better. What is up with the "surfaces toward the non-dominant hand and surfaces away from it?" If that is not confusing... it's easier to think of the surfaces toward or away from the patient's shoulder. Gina gave me some other pointers to remember which clock position is for which area of the mouth. We passed off the Eaglesoft PE as well as the exposure control set-up and equipment maintenance post-appointment PEs. Clinic is good. I like how it goes hand in hand with Dental Hygiene I. It helps to practice in the clinic what we learn from the book and in class. Yea for clinic!