Tuesday, April 7, 2009

What a beautiful day!

I really quite like the nice warm sunshine. This false sense of spring makes me excited to spend my time outside only to be disappointed with a snow storm days later. After an hour of running and another hour of speed walking around my neighborhood last night I decided I could give it a rest until after clinic today. I love being outside and I look forward to spring and summer to go camping, hiking, running, biking, skiing, swimming, and to watch the stars on warm summer nights.

I am eagerly awaiting my departure to Peru for the summer but I can't help but feel a little bummed out. I feel like I'm free now that I will be graduated and not dating some retard who doesn't want to go boating every weekend with my family and I. I won't be going this year either though because I'll be in Peru. Part of me wants to stay here, not work, and just play while I have the time to do so. Peru will be a good experience though and I am excited to speak only Spanish. Truth be told, Spanish is the love of my life.

The other love of my life is still yet to be found although I have had many offers in the last week to fill that position. An interesting thing I have learned about the dating game is that more often than not we are all on different pages. I don't find much interest in the guys that find interest in me and the select few, and by few I mean one, that catches my attention lives in Logan. Thus, I am still on the look-out for someone worth my time. Perhaps Portland holds great possibilities for me.

This morning I saw a class V patient with heavy bleeding, slight plaque and minimal calculus. I am getting better at arestin placement though I think the ease of applying it lies in the depth of the pocket rather than on my abilities. I am hoping for a perio patient this afternoon. I'm getting hungry for my regular grilled cheese sandwich. Last time I was here I made the mistake of ordering something else. The baked potato was a disappointment.

1 comment:

Jake and Kristin said...

I actually got to go outside and study for 2 hours today! What a good change from being locked up inside all day. I loved it! I'll be seeing you tomorrow!