Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Clearly Life is Not Fair

I have been giving serious thought to switching my focus in health care from scrapping crap off teeth to inventing. My first task: Birth Control for Men. Women have enough short sticks in regards to the reproductive aspect of life. I think it is only fair that if women have to have cramps, menstruate, have mood swings, be pregnant, get fat while being pregnant, have difficulty losing pregnancy weight gain, give birth, feel like crap after giving birth, and go through the whole process again the least men could do is take birth control so women don't have the added stress of birth control side effects. For those of us to whom it is recommended for medical purposes, surely there is a better way but because our world is so caught up in birth control for women they have yet to branch out and find alternative methods to treat female dysfunctions. I could be wrong, perhaps there are alternative options but because we have this "pill for every ill" syndrome, health care professionals jump first to pills to solve everything. Take the doctor on campus for example. I have my opinions on him.

As for the clinic aspect of my writing this glorious day... 1B in the morning. 1B in the afternoon.


Kami said...

Your posts are hillarious. Who knew that you could be so perspicacious? I think that you should invent and do hygiene. I think that you could be rich if you could invent birth control for men. I agree, I hate the cramping and would like to find an easier solution. I miss your face at the VA, hope all is going well.

Julie said...


Your funny!! I will add to your life is not fair scenario. After you are done with the wonderful pregnancy and your stomach STARTS to go down, your boobs get really big and guess what? You are the only one with the food supply, which means you are the only one who can soothe this crying child. The child learns this quickly and guess who it wants for everything....your husband gets used to this and guess who brings you this child......it never ends!!! :) I have to add though, I wouldn't trade being a mother for anything!