So, the end of the year is nearing... 2008 that is. The school year still holds 4 months of in class bliss and hours and hours of studying for national boards. Yea, I am excited.
Clinic worked out and I got all my requirements in, requirements for quads, PE's, and classifications that is. My hunt for an Eternal companion is still in the works, somewhat of a disappointment but hey, that means I have all next semester to work my charms.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Wednesday, November 26, 2008

So I got to the VA this morning and Kami went the rounds with the usual "what do you need today?" I quickly exclaimed that I need a husband and after a suggestion was made that I go over to the U campus and scout out the meat there and call with progress notes every hour, I was dubbed monitor of the halls here. I may have to do as suggested and tarry through the streets of Salt Lake. "I will rise now, and go about the city in the streets, and in the broad ways I will seek him whom my sould loveth: I sought him, but I found him not." (See Solomon's Song 3:2 )
Kami and my fellow VA buddies were not hesitant to boldly state that wearing these oversized lab coats is not exactly the most stunning attire with which to entice the young available men. Kami did however, mention that there is a certain fella that shows himself around these parts who is polygamist yet loaded. I think I will let him keep the chase after her although I don't think Kami is the type who wants to be 'caught.'
(SIDE NOTE: In my opinion, Kami is fine and dandy doing her own thing and sees no need for some dude to come along and mess it up. I could be wrong.
With the help of our very own Michelle, who really ought to do a double major in fashion and design, I was able to transform my oh so sexy worn out stained lab coat that is 4 sizes to grande for me into the most astonishing, form-fitting, and head turning enticement that the VA has seen in all 9 years Kami Hanson has been here. Pictures will be posted for admiration at a later time.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Eternal Companion Interviews

So the semester is winding down and soon enough I will find myself enjoying the holidays and stuffing my face with delicious food while I try to convince myself that studying for boards is something I want to spend my break doing. (Perhaps I should take this blogging opportunity to see how long I can make my sentences.)
I have been accused by my pod partners of "flirting" with the young attractive men who come in for a thorough examination and cleaning. Really, I have to admit that it is somewhat true, as it should be. A young single woman such as myself should be on the lookout for a young man worthy to date. What better way to work my magical powers than to personally choose someone to lie upside down, in my lap with their mouth open? I have all control over the situation and if he says the wrong thing, I am the one with sharp instruments in my hands. Of course I would never do anything to purposefully injure one of my patients, sometimes I am all talk and no action. However, this situation presents a great opportunity for me to 'flirt' and thus fill my weekend with interviews over dinner or some other activity. Its a win-win situation really. It is also beneficial for me because I get to do a pre-interview during the appointment which gives me the opportunity to see if I would like to give him an evening out of my weekend. I don't have to be the forward one to ask him out and while he lays there in my chair he has no idea what it is I am up to. I use my charms on him and he asks me out. Clearly clinic serves more than one purpose.
Today is not going to hold such potential eternal possibilities as I do not have a patient that fits the above criteria. I will survive though. I have a feeling next week is my lucky week. As for today, I believe I have a 1B due in about 5 minutes and this afternoon, a previous class II. I am hoping for a class V though because my patient is not showing until 2pm and judging the difficulty of a class II versus a class V, I will be more likely to finish on time with a perio maintenance patient than one with active periodontal disease. This brings up another good point: by first examining and cleaning my potential husband's teeth I have the opportunity to know before hand if he is someone with dentition I approve of. I am still looking. With any luck my plan to win the heart of my true love (as seen above) will work!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Great Day in Clinic
What a surperb day in clinic! In the AM I saw a patient who is way too young to be smoking but seems uninterested in quitting as does the guardian. Lovely. In the PM I saw someone I saw last semester who was a class III but is not a V. Its really cool to see that the work we do actually makes a difference!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Fun clinic day. We did a lab this morning and worked with wheelchairs. That was funny. In the PM my class III patient cancelled an hour before the appointment due to the weather... it's hardly raining. I was planning on doing 5 pe's and 8 injections. Oh well. I was able to get someone else in. Just a 1B but it was fun.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Well, I'm waiting to hear back from "the examiner" about how I did with my patient. I felt pretty confident until I went around with the probe... now I'm not so sure how I did. YIKES! I am so glad we do mockboards. I don't know why some of the other schools don't do mockboards. I can't imagine walking into boards and not knowing what is going on.
Well, I failed but I feel good about what I did so I'm ok. Glad its over
Well, I failed but I feel good about what I did so I'm ok. Glad its over
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
I really like the VA, more so than WSU clinic. I don't think it is as stressful and I feel like there is more one on one with the instructor. I like Kami Hanson and find that she is very helpful. I like how she is blunt and to the point but not overbearing. Today I saw a class III and a class V. I got some exams done and was able to help with anesthesia for the DDS. 4 Injections. Injections are not as traumatizing as I had anticipated. I kinda like it actually. Maybe because it is something new.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Good Day Madam
Things worked out pretty well in clinic today. This morning my patient had a ton of plaque but not so much calculus. I almost think heavy plaque is more difficult. Maxillary denture so I cleaned two quads class V.
PM clinic: 1B, ortho. I have never cleaned around braces before. That was an experience. I took some sweet radiographs that I am proud of.
PM clinic: 1B, ortho. I have never cleaned around braces before. That was an experience. I took some sweet radiographs that I am proud of.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Can't Wait to Graduate
This morning I got full mouth radiographs and thats about it. No OD, no probing, no scaling, no nothing. I could have scheduled my patient for radiographs and sent her on her way and used the extra time constructively doing homework.
This afternoon I pray that my patient shows up. They don't speak much English and I am not sure if they know where to get a parking pass and where the clinic is. They didn't let me explain very well when I called to confirm last night. We shall see. Oh sweet!!!! My patient just arrived.
This afternoon I pray that my patient shows up. They don't speak much English and I am not sure if they know where to get a parking pass and where the clinic is. They didn't let me explain very well when I called to confirm last night. We shall see. Oh sweet!!!! My patient just arrived.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
This morning stressed me out a bit. I had a class II that was pretty bloody with lots of build up. I was ready for lunch. In the PM was a class V which was ok but the staining was a challenge. I finished her and scheduled her to come back in March .Hopefully I will get most of next semester scheduled this semester with recall appts. that would be nice.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
What a day
Well, I was feeling pretty good about the morning ready to take on the afternoon but unfortunately I had a... surprise.... gotta love those physician's consults. You get to wait... and wait... and WAIT somemore.... only to find out an hour later that it's the Dr.'s day off and the office couldn't have mentioned that an hour earlier when I called. Humm....yep. Wow.
Class II in the AM BWX in the PM. Great day to be in clinic. At least my patient is coming back in a few weeks.
Class II in the AM BWX in the PM. Great day to be in clinic. At least my patient is coming back in a few weeks.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Back At It Again
Wow, summer went by super fast. It's crazy to think now that we've started... next time we finish we are FINISHED!!! Ah! Boards!!! Ah!!! It was nice to have a day to organize and clean everything before we start with patients next week. I'm not looking forward to finding patients. Good thing the VA fills our schedules for us. I wish WSU did that... :)
Sharpening... yikes. I don't like sharpening and I'm always afraid I'll destroy all my instruments. I am going to consider getting a guided sharpening system or perhaps the side kick sharpening system Hum... if only money grew on trees. I keep telling myself once I graduate and move out of state and start working full time I won't worry about that so much anymore. Oh, wait... the government will own my paycheck. Let's have a shout out for student loans. Wahoo!
Sharpening... yikes. I don't like sharpening and I'm always afraid I'll destroy all my instruments. I am going to consider getting a guided sharpening system or perhaps the side kick sharpening system Hum... if only money grew on trees. I keep telling myself once I graduate and move out of state and start working full time I won't worry about that so much anymore. Oh, wait... the government will own my paycheck. Let's have a shout out for student loans. Wahoo!
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
WE DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I finished my class III and area specific PE today and I'm finished for the semester! Its crazy to think that there are only 9 more months left of the program. Wow. thats nuts!
Today was the first time I really used my graceys and they are pretty nice. It will take some getting used to but it worked out well.
Today was the first time I really used my graceys and they are pretty nice. It will take some getting used to but it worked out well.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
its coming to a close! yay! I attempted my first class III it was like rocks super glued to the stinkin teeth and I couldnt get it off! I was so frustrated but yay its over. one more clinic day left, probably like this one because its another class III but then its time to play!
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
God Answers Prayers
So I have re-affirmed my belief in God and His willingness and ability to answer our prayers. After clinic on monday some lady walked in wanting her teeth cleaned. I did a screening on her and she had 2 quads of a class III. Yesterday Kimber from 2nd year said she had a patient with 2 quads of a class III so it all worked out and if my patients show I will get all my requirements done. Today I did a 1a to finish that requirement, I did 2 sealants to finish that and I got 3 PE's done.. hopefully I passed them. All I have left is my class III and my area specific PE. Only two days of clinic left... hum... wow. that was awesome.
Oh, and on a personal note... Today my aunt met the guy I was dating and broke up with and she said "why the hell did you break up with him? You go fight for him and get him back!!!" She never swears and I've never seen her more serious. I told her we already had that discussion and we haven't really talked much since. She said to try harder. HAHA. What do you know... finally I find someone my family approves of and I run from it. LOL. Well, on the bright side, I've been doing better in school since then--- a 20% improvement on the last patho test. I would say that is significant. I dont know how people date or are married while in this program. Perhaps its because I have a one track mind and I can either do the relationship thing or the school thing but not both at the same time.
Oh, and on a personal note... Today my aunt met the guy I was dating and broke up with and she said "why the hell did you break up with him? You go fight for him and get him back!!!" She never swears and I've never seen her more serious. I told her we already had that discussion and we haven't really talked much since. She said to try harder. HAHA. What do you know... finally I find someone my family approves of and I run from it. LOL. Well, on the bright side, I've been doing better in school since then--- a 20% improvement on the last patho test. I would say that is significant. I dont know how people date or are married while in this program. Perhaps its because I have a one track mind and I can either do the relationship thing or the school thing but not both at the same time.
Monday, April 14, 2008
my class III turned out to be a class II so. I dont have time for that. I had to take a minute after the final word was said about it to cry. The End.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Probably the best day of clinic today. I finished a 1B and 1A from start to finish before 3. that was pretty sweet. I took panos and bxw also so I feel like I accomplished alot. I cant believe there are only 4 more clinic sessions. Sheesh!
monday 4-7-09
Panic day. My patients canceled sunday night. geez thats so frustrating. My mom has been such a help for me this semester though. She brought my cousin and sister up for a 1a requirement and sealants. that was a life saver. I about had a nervous break down on sunday.
Monday, March 31, 2008
I was ca last wednesday. Wow that was fun. Dental Assisting is way more fun but it was nice to have another day off clinic.
Monday, March 24, 2008
My patient didnt show today. I think its kinda not cool how we get docked points when our patients decide not to come. Lame-o. Anyway. I really don't care except for the fact I lose the points. I only need to see 4 more patients and finish one that I started and I will have everything done and there are like 9 clinic sessions left so I'm not too worried. Well.... except for the fact that I cant find any 1A patients or class III.
CLinic las wednesday was ok. My sister came in so that was fun. She is a class 1B and I was able to do FMX so that was good. She was supposed to bring her retainer so I could do my removable appliance PE but she didnt. Oh well. I was so ready to be done though by about 2. After about an hour of this stuff I'm ready to be done.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
my patient hasn't showed yet and we are wasting time.... I cant afford to have them not come.... I have requirements that need to be met....... um....... hopefully my pt. shows. I just got word that my pt is here and filling out paper work. Whew! That was a close one. I believe my patient is a 1B. Wahoo... an I get another one. I would so rather a 1B than anything else. I'm excited to work with Vining. Haha I better air dry the calc on the lower anteriors. Haha.
Vining is awesome. Very helpful and positive. My patient had a lot of dark staining on the maxillary anteriors on the lingual especially in the grooves that was hard to get off and that took some time but I got my patient finished. Nice. And.... guess what? No deposits to note! Its days like this that encourage me when other days in clinic seem to suck way beyond anything. I do have one thing to commment about though... that is the time grade that we get for scaling and x-rays. I dont think its accurate. We are given 30 minutes for a 1B however, this time does not account for time that is spent in conversation... building a raport... or the time instructors chit chat with patients. I think that it is important because it keeps the patients coming back but I dont think its accurate for our grading. Oh well. I have come to not care how long it takes me as long as I finish. I can worry about how long it takes me when I am comfortable with what I'm doing. It doesnt do any good to rush through stuff and not actually clean the teeth.
Better day in clinic. Good thing too because I was dreading coming in today.
Vining is awesome. Very helpful and positive. My patient had a lot of dark staining on the maxillary anteriors on the lingual especially in the grooves that was hard to get off and that took some time but I got my patient finished. Nice. And.... guess what? No deposits to note! Its days like this that encourage me when other days in clinic seem to suck way beyond anything. I do have one thing to commment about though... that is the time grade that we get for scaling and x-rays. I dont think its accurate. We are given 30 minutes for a 1B however, this time does not account for time that is spent in conversation... building a raport... or the time instructors chit chat with patients. I think that it is important because it keeps the patients coming back but I dont think its accurate for our grading. Oh well. I have come to not care how long it takes me as long as I finish. I can worry about how long it takes me when I am comfortable with what I'm doing. It doesnt do any good to rush through stuff and not actually clean the teeth.
Better day in clinic. Good thing too because I was dreading coming in today.
Monday, March 3, 2008
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Monday, February 25, 2008
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
oh man
if I had any other patient in the chair I think I would have ran out in tears today and not come back. Those stupid digital x-rays.... oh man I hate them. They dont freakin fit in the mouth and trying to get anterior pa's with that stupid thing. Ha, Yeah right. My patient was super understanding though and really helpful. I only got as far as x-rays but I did a full mouth series which is good. I was wondering how I was going to get all my pa's in since I cant get any of my patients to pay for x-rays. I was pleased. He's coming back next wednesday.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Monday, January 28, 2008
Another day in clinic.
This morining started out different. I didnt want to come to clinic because I dont really like clinic and I just wanted to be with my family after the death of the Prophet. CLinic went better though than it did last week. My patient was a 1B and I walked her out at 10:30. I was impressed with myself. this is good because as I get quicker at what I am doing I wll have a better chance of people actually coming in since they all complain about coming in for three hours. Hum.... well today will be an interesting day.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Oh gosh!
Today I am working on my first patient that I don't know. In all honesty I am nervous but at the same time I feel somewhat confident because my last patient went well. It was a wreck trying to get someone to come though. I had someone all lined up and they called yesterday and told me they couldnt make it. I was running around and calling people like a chicken with its head chopped off last night trying to get someone to come in and I finally got a patient confirmed at 9pm last night. I can tell this scheduling a patient thing is going to be the stress of my life and I'm EXCITED for it. Yea.
Oh man. That was interesting. I really liked my patient. He was super nice and very understanding of me. I was getting a little discouraged with scale checks and such. Sometimes it gets annoying to hear over and over there's something I missed, or I did the computer stuff wrong or something else. blah blah blah. I am sure it will all go away with experience. I wasn't expecting him to be willing to come back but he's comin back next wednesday so thats good! He was a 1B with some missing teeth and super old calculus. I'd have to say the thing, ok one of the things I find most irritating is that I cannot feel the calculus that the instructor does so how in the flippin heck am I supposed to know what to scale? Oh gosh. Whatever.
Oh man. That was interesting. I really liked my patient. He was super nice and very understanding of me. I was getting a little discouraged with scale checks and such. Sometimes it gets annoying to hear over and over there's something I missed, or I did the computer stuff wrong or something else. blah blah blah. I am sure it will all go away with experience. I wasn't expecting him to be willing to come back but he's comin back next wednesday so thats good! He was a 1B with some missing teeth and super old calculus. I'd have to say the thing, ok one of the things I find most irritating is that I cannot feel the calculus that the instructor does so how in the flippin heck am I supposed to know what to scale? Oh gosh. Whatever.
MOnday I got to be the CA. It was nice... I like being a clinician better but it was a relief because I was a lazy butt and didn't put anyone in my schedule over the Christmas break so it was good not to have to find someone to put in for Monday. Hum.... I dont have a whole lot to say about being a CA so I guess this is it.
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Clinic today was awesome! I thought it went very well. I feel like I accomplished a lot and my patient was awesome (and pretty ooo ooo too! Haha!) He was a 1B patient. I got two quads finished which was pretty sweet and I didnt even have anything noted on my scale checks!!!!!!!!!! Yeah, I'm feeling like hot stuff. Haha. JK. But it was nice and a booster!
Monday, January 7, 2008
Wow! Its been a long break and now we are back at it again! I am excited for patients to start but at the same time I feel like I dont really know what I am doing so I kinda dont want to see patients. Oh well, I am sure with practice it will be awesome. We practiced our graceys which was almost pointless since neither the typodonts or each other had pockets that warrant a need for a gracey. Hum... what else? After this semester we are half way finished!! Wahoo! The sad thing is that I had to drop my Spanish class which I need so I can do more upper division classes in Spanish for my minor and bachelor's degree. That stinks and I am not happy about that. School takes up too much time but it will all be worth it in the end.
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