Wednesday, March 5, 2008

my patient hasn't showed yet and we are wasting time.... I cant afford to have them not come.... I have requirements that need to be met....... um....... hopefully my pt. shows. I just got word that my pt is here and filling out paper work. Whew! That was a close one. I believe my patient is a 1B. Wahoo... an I get another one. I would so rather a 1B than anything else. I'm excited to work with Vining. Haha I better air dry the calc on the lower anteriors. Haha.

Vining is awesome. Very helpful and positive. My patient had a lot of dark staining on the maxillary anteriors on the lingual especially in the grooves that was hard to get off and that took some time but I got my patient finished. Nice. And.... guess what? No deposits to note! Its days like this that encourage me when other days in clinic seem to suck way beyond anything. I do have one thing to commment about though... that is the time grade that we get for scaling and x-rays. I dont think its accurate. We are given 30 minutes for a 1B however, this time does not account for time that is spent in conversation... building a raport... or the time instructors chit chat with patients. I think that it is important because it keeps the patients coming back but I dont think its accurate for our grading. Oh well. I have come to not care how long it takes me as long as I finish. I can worry about how long it takes me when I am comfortable with what I'm doing. It doesnt do any good to rush through stuff and not actually clean the teeth.

Better day in clinic. Good thing too because I was dreading coming in today.

1 comment:

The Pyper's! said...

I am glad that things were better! I totally agree on the time thing!!