Thursday, February 12, 2009

I can't say that I have much to write today. I had a class III this morning. I was only able to get 1 quad done because she had to leave and go to work. My idiot pm patient decided to no show after they told me two hours prior they'd be here. My class III is coming back in a few minutes. I better finish. It would have been nice to know the other one wasn't coming. I could have had another hour of scaletime for my class III but such is life.

I have a new nick name... Shamu. We have a lot of things in common.

The birth control for men thing has had to take a back seat while I study for boards. I don't think its going to fly in this world.

I have come to the conclusion that I am sick of winter. I am sick of being cold. Unfortunately, it will be cold for another 2.5 months. Lovely.

Professor Perry helped me this morning. I appreciated his help and words of advice. He's very efficient too when it comes to getting PE's done and such.

I miss having my VA day on Wednesdays. Tuesdays are alright but I was in my comfort zone on Wednesdays.

Boards...boards...boards.... I am ready for them to be over. I can't imagine trying to study for nationals and anesthesia at the same time. I am so glad that changed.

I have nothing wise, witty, or worth reading to write so I suppose unless some great thing happens or comes to mind, this will conclude my blogging experience for the day.


Jake and Kristin said...

I always Love reading your posts because it totally takes right what I'm feeling and lays it all out there on the page!
I missed ya at work yesterday!

Chelsea Buckwalter said...

Hey girly!!! I liked your blog. My blog is never that fun to read. I really need to try harder to make it more fun, but you know me, I'm a little shall we say... crazy!!!

You are the funniest girl, and I love to hear about all your new ideas about how the world should and ought to be! Its great.. and one day you will change the world!!!