Saturday, February 20, 2010

Life's Unexpected Events

Of course life can never go as we expect it to, perhaps that would be less than desirable. It is those unexpected events that keep us on our toes and on top of our game.

Quick flashback/update... Peru was awesome, definitely a challenge but for sure one of the best things I have ever done. The people there are so humble and grateful for what they have. The dental hygiene experience for me wasn't shocking, yet at the same time it sort of was. I have been to Mexico doing humanitarian dentistry and so I knew that I would see things that I never had before. I expected it, but I think I underestimated the degree of dental problems the people live with everyday. It's hard to go home feeling like you made a difference when the children are living with the serious dental issues they do. I would venture to say that by 8 or 9 years of age most of the kids in the village qualify for extraction of all molar teeth. It's interesting to learn what the culture teaches the people to believe about homecare.

I have a new addition to my life, namely my sweet husband. We met shortly before I went to Peru, got engaged a week after I got home and were married two and a half months later. Talk about unexpected events! It's been four and a half months now, time surely does fly and I am loving it!

I have been working in several dental offices over the last 10 months as I search for permanent employment. I love what I do! I love the patient interaction and the respect I now get as a licensed professional in the dental world. Being able to work in the various offices I have has taught me a lot about the kind of hygienist I want to be and the kind of practice and dentist I want to work for. The marvelous thing about sub work is that I get to see a variety of offices and how they are run. Not only that but I know that at the end of a rough day with a tough staff, I can go home and I don't have to go back. The hard thing is leaving that perfect office, wishing they were hiring.

In my search for employment, I have come across an interesting opportunity with a dentist who couldn't be better to work for. Now, if you have been following my blog or know anything about me you will know that I have been wanting to move out of state for work for a few years now, pending my graduation and licensure. What I had in mind and what came to pass are so very opposite. I always pictured myself as a successful dental hygienist in an nice office in Portland, Oregon and upon passing the restorative dental hygiene board and obtaining licensure in Washington State, I would be working in a successful practice in Seattle. One can dream right? I suppose a small town of about 10,ooo people in the middle of Wyoming is good too, at least I'm hoping. Sometimes it's interesting the turns our lives seem to make.

My husband and I found a place to live in Riverton, Wyoming today and now that it is getting closer, it is feeling like more of a reality to me and I'm not quite sure how I feel about it anymore. I think nervous, anxious, and excited are probably appropriate. I never thought it would come to this but the job opportunities out there are so good for us that it's hard to sit around Utah hoping that some awesome job will open up, for both of us. I suppose things happen for the best and it will all make sense in due time but for right now, I can't help but wonder why in the world, of all places, Riverton, Wyoming is the place we will call home.